
Creating connection through design: The latest trends for brand identity

The latest design trends offer innovative ways for brands to create a deeper connection with their audience.

Design plays a crucial role in helping brands connect with their audience and create a lasting impression. The latest design trends for brand identity incorporate a variety of elements to create a unique and lasting impression. From anti-branding to custom gradients and AI art, these trends offer innovative ways for brands to create a deeper connection with their audience.

Brand identity trends for connection


The concept of anti-branding is not a new one, but the appeal of a barely-there aesthetic, coupled with minimalistic messaging is strong for brands who are looking to communicate a sense of reliability and authenticity. Aesop is a good example of a minimalist design, focusing on key information.

Minimal Vintage

The minimal vintage trend is a nod to the vintage design styles of the 20th century, but with a contemporary twist. The focus is on subtle colour palettes and vintage-inspired fonts that create a clean and elegant look. This trend allows brands to differentiate themselves by combining the best of the past to create a strong connection with their audience. For example, the Kew 3101 Coffee packaging design combines minimalistic elements with vintage typography to create a unique and recognisable brand identity.

Custom Gradients

Custom gradients have been a design staple for some time, but in 2023, designers are elevating their use to new heights. This trend showcases irregular, multi-colour blends and explorative palettes that create depth and texture in branding designs. The contemporary approach to gradients looks more organic and less computer-generated, resulting in designs that are more dynamic and engaging. With custom gradients, brands can add a unique and memorable element to their identity that sets them apart from the competition.

Rich Jewel Colours

Brands are also exploring rich jewel tones, such as crimson, burnt orange, forest green, and powdery lavender. These colours offer a departure from the bold neon hues of the late 2010s and the muted putty tones of the early 2020s. The 1930s-inspired colour palettes add a touch of luxury, sophistication, and warmth to brand identities. Pantone announced its 2023 colour of the year as "Viva Magenta”, a warm and vibrant shade of pink that reflects the current trend towards bold and expressive hues.

Photos are Back

Photography is making a comeback as a design element, replacing illustrations in many cases. Brands are using photography to create a more human-centric, tangible feel that connects with customers on a deeper level. Skincare brand Glossier, uses photographs of real people, mostly its customers, to showcase its products and promote its brand. Photos are also being blended with illustrations and 3D models to create more dynamic imagery.

Movement Everywhere

With more and more screens, there are more opportunities to turn visuals from static to motion. Movement is a powerful design element that can create a sense of identity and brand expression. With the rise of screens and digital interfaces, more brands are incorporating motion into their designs to create engaging and impactful experiences. Google has used this to perfection with the design of the Google Workspace suite which uses colour and movement to give each of the icons a sense of personality.

AI Art

AI art is a fascinating trend that is gaining momentum in the world of brand identity. AI systems like DALL·E and Midjourney are paving the way for realistic images and art created from natural language descriptions. Companies are using AI art to create unique visual elements that reflect their brand identity and values. For example, Accenture used AI to create art for their 2023 Life Trends Report, allowing their designers to work collaboratively with the technology to expand creativity, diversity, and possibility.

Incorporating the latest design trends for brand identity can help companies establish a deeper connection with their audience and create a lasting impression. By staying on top of these trends and implementing them in their design strategy, brands can create a powerful impact and differentiate themselves in their industry. It's time to embrace the power of design for brand identity and create a unique and recognizable visual identity that reflects your brand's values and vision.

Interested in finding out more?

If you’re interested in integrating some of these trends into your brand, please get in touch with us.

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