
2023 Digital trends

2023 will bring a wave of new technologies as well as a continued focus on creating personalised experiences and creating authentic content to connect with your audience.

2023 is shaping up to be a radical year for digital design, development, and digital marketing. These industries are constantly evolving and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest advancements. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about all things digital in 2023.

2023 digital trends

Digital Design and Development Trends

Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (AI & NLP):

AI & NLP are set to be the next big thing in 2023 as technology continues to advance. With the help of AI & NLP, digital devices will interact with users in a more natural and intuitive way. This will have a huge impact on the digital landscape, from digital marketing to web development.

The potential applications of AI & NLP are vast and are sure to enhance the digital experience. As technology evolves, businesses and organisations will be able to streamline their processes, improve customer engagement, and drive growth. This is an ever-evolving space and we'll have more to say about it in future articles. Keep an eye on our newsletter to stay up-to-date with all the exciting developments in AI & NLP.


Microinteractions are small animations and interactions that take place within a webpage or app, designed to enhance the user experience. They are triggered by user actions or system events and provide feedback to the user. They can be used to guide users through a process, provide feedback on actions, and add a layer of delight to the user experience.

Examples of Microinteractions:

  • Progress bars

  • Loading animations

  • Cursor-based animations

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) are a revolutionary technology that allows businesses to create web-based applications that offer a similar experience to native mobile apps. PWAs are built using JavaScript, HTML, or CSS, and they can be accessed via a browser.

PWAs are becoming increasingly popular among e-commerce websites and businesses that want to improve user engagement and conversion rates. Here are some of the key benefits of PWAs:

  • Wider reach: PWAs are designed to work on any platform or mobile device, and they are responsive to different screen sizes, making them more accessible than native apps.

  • Reduced development costs and time: PWAs do not require separate app development and maintenance for different operating systems, which reduces the time and cost of development.

  • Speed and accessibility: PWAs are designed for fast and smooth user experiences, and they can work offline or with low-quality internet connections.

  • Improved conversion rates: PWAs provide a better user experience which leads to higher conversion and engagement rates.

One of the best examples of the benefits of PWAs in e-commerce is They implemented a PWA on their website and saw a significant increase in conversions of 76% across all browsers.

Voice User Interface (VUI):

Voice-controlled interfaces, also known as VUI, are on the rise as more and more consumers are using devices such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home. In order to improve the user experience and stay ahead of the competition, businesses should consider integrating VUI into their website and mobile apps.

One example of this is Capital One's Skill for Amazon Alexa, which allows customers to access their account information, pay bills, and even report fraud using just their voice commands. This integration proved to be a success as Capital One saw significant improvements in customer engagement and satisfaction.


Chatbots are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are being widely adopted by businesses to provide customer service, answer frequently asked questions, and even make recommendations. In 2023, expect to see more businesses in Australia leveraging chatbot technology to improve their customer service.

The Commonwealth Bank's Ceba (see-bah) chatbot is a great example of how chatbots can be used to provide instant support for banking queries. Ceba can answer a range of day-to-day banking questions, show customers how to do their banking online and even connect them to a human representative via message or phone if additional support is needed. However, Ceba also recognizes that sometimes a human touch is needed and can provide the appropriate contact information for customers to speak with a human representative.

Augmented Reality (AR):

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to view the real world with virtual objects superimposed on it. In 2023, businesses are expected to increasingly use AR to enhance the user experience and create more engaging content.

One example of this is The Iconic, the online fashion site that launched a mobile app called Visualise. Developed with AR platform, Visualise allows shoppers to virtually try on sneakers before they make a purchase. By using their smartphone camera, customers can superimpose a 3D projection of the sneaker over their feet, allowing them to see how the shoe looks on them. This innovative technology allows for a more immersive and interactive shopping experience for users.

Digital Marketing Trends


Personalisation has been a buzzword for a few years now, but in 2023 we expect to see it become even more sophisticated. Businesses will need to use data and machine learning to create personalised experiences for their customers across all touchpoints.

One example of this is Australian fashion retailer, Cue, which implemented AI-backed products to build hyper-personalised customer experiences on its website. Using features such as Mobile Exit Intent and segments like “Likelihood to Purchase” and “Discount Affinity”, Cue was able to target highly-precise market segments, track customer behaviour, and generate more leads, resulting in an improvement in overall conversion rates.

Influencer Marketing:

Influencer marketing will continue to be an important tactic for businesses in 2023. Businesses will need to focus on finding the right influencers for their brand and creating authentic content that resonates with their target audience - authenticity over perfection.

Edgell Snack Cans achieved great results through a nano, micro and macro influencer marketing campaign. The campaign focused on delivering key messages of their new product. As a result, the campaign generated a 3x engagement rate above the industry standard in the crowded food and beverage industry.

Interactive Content:

Interactive content, such as quizzes, polls, and surveys, will become increasingly popular in 2023. Interactive content is a great way to engage with your audience and gather valuable data.

Good Pair Days has an excellent quiz that is a delight to complete profiling new users into bespoke recommendations and offers.

Authentic Storytelling:

Authentic storytelling is becoming increasingly important in the digital age. Businesses will need to focus on creating stories that connect with their audience on an emotional level and are true to the brand.

Patagonia is a great example of a company that uses authentic storytelling to connect with its audience. The brand is known for its commitment to environmental and social causes, which is reflected in its marketing messages.

Overall, 2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for all things digital. Businesses will need to focus on creating personalised experiences, engaging with influencers, and using interactive and authentic content to connect with their audience. Additionally, businesses need to be ready for new technologies like VUI, PWAs, and AR to enhance the user experience.

Interested in finding out more?

We’ll be chatting more about the AI revolution in future blog article, so keep an eye out for more information. If you need any assistance in staying up to date with all things digital, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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